Below is an (incomplete) list of collaborations, the kind of works we do, and a few highlighted publications.
Autodesk AI Lab Current employer. AI for CAD, industry scale instruction data elicitation, collaborative agents for design. 1, 2, 3
Armando Solar-Lezama (MIT : PL) PhD advisor. OG program synthesis. 1, 2
Daniel Fried (CMU : NLP) Computational pragmatics, LLM for code. 1, 2
Daniel Ritche (Brown : Graphics) Code generation for editing designs: 1
Elena Glassman (Harvard : HCI) Program synthesis and HCI. 1
Josh Tenenbaum (MIT : Cogsci) Cognition of communication in language. 1
Judy Fan (Stanford : Psychology/Cogsci) Drawing as a medium of instruction. 1
Kevin Ellis (Cornell : AI) New school, DSL-free program induction. 1 2
Leslie Pack Kaelbling (MIT : AI) Phd co-advisor, active learning 1.
Noah Goodman (Stanford : Cogsci) Pragmatics, LLM + code generation. 1
Robert Hawkins (Stanford : Linguistics/Cogsci) Life-long learning from people. 1
Currently Advising
Below are students that I am actively advising / mentoring
Leonardo Hernández Cano (MIT) with Armando Solar-Lezama.
Saujas Vaduguru (CMU) with Daniel Fried.
Di Huang (CAS).
Keya Hu (SJTU) Undergraduate exchange student, co advised with Kevin Ellis.
Past Mentees
Individuals that I have mentored in the past.
Sam Acquaviva (MIT) with Josh Tenenbaum, now at a stealth AI start-up.
William McCarthy (UCSD) with Judy Fan, now at Autodesk AI Lab.
Maxwell Nye (MIT), founder of Adept, acquried by Amazon Research.
Zachery Miranda (MIT)
For a full-list of collaborators and advisees, refer to my CV