Mentoring Statement

[research topic] I am interested in using human communication as inspiration to build systems that interacts with people. This involves — but not limited to — building instruction-following datasets and benchmarks, developing instruction-following / code-generating algorithms, and evaluating interactive systems against humans.

[mentoring outlook] I view research as a form of expression just like arts and music, albeit over a stringent medium of evidence and logic. I am interested in working with students who can take responsibilities of their own insights, and helping them operationalize these insights as scientific outputs.

We do our best research when we are safe and relaxed — having the peace to learn (学) and to think (思). However, we must also acknowledge that research has become increasingly hectic and competitive. To navigate the contemporary research landscape, we must (1) build a research direction that is future proof and (2) become efficient in executing scientific projects. This will allow us to do deep, meaningful work, while maintaining a steady level of scientific outputs.

Find me on twitter or via email. A quick zoom meeting never hurts.