Evan Pu

I make programming communicative

Mentoring Statement | Evan Pu

Mentoring Statement

My overall view on research is that: (1) Great research happens when a group of motivated people are placed in an environment. (2) We make great discoveries when we are unrushed — having the time to learn and ponder.

Research as a form of self-expression like arts and music, over a stringent medium of evidence and logic, and attains its value in directing the scientific community. I am interested in mentoring driven students who can take responsibilities of their self-expressions, and helping them ground these expressions into concrete projects.

As scientists, we are responsible for developing, validating, and communicating hypotheses. Developing the right hypotheses requires “taste”, validating it through experiments requires “operation”, and communicating it requires “relatability”. Some of these might come naturally, while others we will improve together as professionals.

If you are interested in collaboration, find me on twitter or via email.