Online Teachings

Here are my online “teachings” as side projects. The idea is to provide resources for the more pratical aspects about doing research, that are often not being taught in school and definitely not published in paper form. All views are my own, so take only the parts that are useful to yourself!

Program Synthesis

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a minimalist guide to program synthesis A modern guide to program synthesis (code-generation), covering the fundamental theory of programming by example, and execution-guided program synthesis.


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野生AI博导. 一个纯粹的网上博导教程,给那些被放养的同学们。注重中西哲学和逻辑的对冲,以及这些思维在科学研究上的实体应用。内容来自自己多年的带学生的经验(e.g. MIT, Stanford)和对科学的思考。