


so, you want to know about program synthesis?

最近(截至 2022 年),程序综合(“用AI来编程”)在工业界和学术界都逐渐开始流行起来,其中的佼佼者copilot 正在从学术原型走向实际生产(如果你从未接触过copilot,十分建议你试用它一下,这会让你对程序综合能干什么有更深刻的理解)。不过,程序综合的作用不仅仅是从注释中生成几行代码。程序(program)既可以很好的模拟各种类型的运算,也可以很好的作为一个人与机器沟通的媒介-它无处不在。而只要程序存在,对程序综合(也就是“用AI来编程序”)的需求就会随之存在。

Recently (as of 2022), the topic of “building AI to write code” has become fashionable in both industry and academia, with copilot making its way to production (if you have not used it, stop reading and play with it first). However, program synthesis is more than generating few lines of code from comments. Programs are broadly useful in modeling both computation and communication, and whenever programs exist, program synthesis is sure to follow.


This blog series serves as a entry-point to the practical, modern aspects of program synthesis. I intend to keep the write-ups concise, at a cost of accuracy. The examples will be pedagogical, introducing you to a concept and coding it up using off-the-shelf technologies, at a cost of fidelity. The goal is 入门 (to get your foot through the door), so you can read and replicate academic literatures, and have the confidence to apply program synthesis to your own works.


This blog is intented for undergraduate/graduate level researchers with knowledge of machine-learning, who want to “get into” program synthesis. Some level of mathematical maturity will be assumed, but not essential as the algorithms and applications are self-contained.


Let us begin.




Before computers, when a person has a task to do, they manually does stuff. This is tiring. Image with caption

编程,就是人为了让计算机来完成某个任务而做出的一种操作。举几个例子:编辑linux系统是编程,创建一个Email过滤器是编程,我写这个博客同样也是编程。总体而言,编程这个操作必定由三个元素组成:程序员、程序和解释器。 程序员(programmer)将任务变成程序。程序(program)是一种东西,它能被程序员生成,也能被解释器理解。解释器(interpreter)接受并且运行程序,以此完成任务。

Programming is the act of a person asking the computer to do something. Hacking the linux kernel is programming. Creating an email filter is programming. Me setting up this blog is programming. One must always think of programming with these three: a programmer, a program, and an interpreter. A programmer turns a task into a program. A program is the thing that programmer gives, which the interpreter understands. An interpreter takes in the program and does stuff.

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We program because interpreters (computers) can help us with difficult tasks. A human cannot multiplex different apps at 4GHz. A human cannot sort through 1000s of emails manually. I cannot deliver the blog to all of you in person.


program synthesis


Program synthesis is a system that makes programming easier. gcc frees you from having to write assembly. Using “filter emails like this” makes creating a filter easier. Jekyll generating the website makes creating this blog easier. With program synthesis, the programmer can now program using “program++”, which is easier to use than “program”. The synthesizer is a middle-man programmer, which turns program++ into a program.

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将综合器和解释器组合到一起,我们可以得到一个更好的解释器:“解释器++(interpreter++)”。它接受program++(通常被称为样例(spec))并完成一些事情。这个过程是递归的:我们构建一个综合器/解释器,并得到了易于理解的program++语言;之后,我们在这一基础的上再构建新的综合器/解释器,得到了在program++的基础上更容易理解和编程的program++++语言。可以看到,程序综合实际上就是“让编程更简单”—也就是这个递归过程中的一个子步骤(从 program 到 program++)。因此,程序综合必须被放在“编程困难”这一语境下才有意义。现在让我们看一些例子。

Together, the synthesizer and the interpreter becomes a better interpreter, the “interpreter++”, which takes in program++ (commonly called a spec for specification) and does stuff. Note how this process can be recursive, where we build layers upon layers of synthesizers/interpreters, making it easier and easier for a human to program. Thus, program synthesis is simply “easier programming” – one step of this recursive process – and must be stated in relationship with the original “harder programming” context. Let’s see some examples.


a brief history of program synthesis

严格来说,第一个综合器(synthesizer)是一个编译器(compiler),它从高级语言样例(譬如FORTRAN)自动生成(汇编)代码。 在演绎综合(deductive synthesis)1中,研究者使用数学规则来转换样例(“对数组进行排序”),从而得到一个可被证明是正确的程序(合并排序算法)。

The first synthesizers were compilers, which automatically generated code (assembly) from high-level specifications (FORTRAN). In deductive synthesis1, one transforms a specification (the array should become sorted) using mathematical rules, resulting in a provably correct program (the merge-sort algorithm).

大多数现代综合器是归纳综合(inductive synthesis)——即使用 搜索 的方法来找到满足样例的程序。在神经/符号(neuro-symbolic)2程序综合中,我们使用神经网络进行搜索,神经网络网络会给出一些还算像那么回事的(符号 “symbolic”)程序。 最新(2020+)的进展 3,4 经常利用自然语言(例如代码注释)作为额外的上下文来指导搜索(来生成 python 代码)。将自然语言转换为可执行的程序(如语音助手siri或者alexa)的主题一般属于语意解析(semantic-parsing)5,6的范畴。

Most modern synthesis are inductive synthesis – where the algorithm performs a search to find a solution that meets the specification. In neuro-symbolic2 program synthesis, the search is performed with a neural-network, which proposes plausible (symbolic) programs. Recent (2020+) advances 3,4 frequently leverages natural language (such as code comments) as additional context to guide the search (to generate python code). The subject of transforming natural language to executable programs (think siri or alexa) traditionally falls under semantic-parsing5,6.

最后,由于程序在表示符号知识方面很灵活,认知科学中会使用程序进行认知的建模7,8。在这些理论中,“学习”可以被认为是“程序归纳(program induction)”的一种形式。

Lastly, as programs are flexible in representing symbolic knowledge, they have been used to model cognition 7,8, where learning can be thought of as a form of “program induction”.


As we cannot afford the space to go into it further, kindly refer to 9,10 for more history.


where do we stand now?

成为程序综合领域的高手曾经具有相当的门槛——你需要是编程语言设计、编译器、约束求解、语义解析和针对代码生成的神经网络结构设计的专家。不过,伴随着基础模型(foundational model)的最新进展,我相信对于初学者来说这里面大多数的专业知识都不再那么要紧(这直觉也可能是错的)。通过阅读这个博客,我希望你可以学会如何用一个更加轻量级的工具箱来复现一个典型的程序综合从业者的工作流程。

Program synthesis had a fairly big 门槛 (entry barrier). You needed expertise in programming language design, compilers, constraint-solving, semantic-parsing, and designing specific neural-network architectures tailored toward code generation. However, with recent advances of foundational models, I believe (could be wrong) most of these expertise are no longer required to get started. With this blog, I hope you can replicate the workflow of a typical program synthesis practitioner with a lighter toolbox.


what is the end game?

我们可以采取Josh(Joshua Tenenbaum,贝叶斯学派认知科学专家)的观点(既“你瞧人类思维多么🐂🍺”),让程序综合的终极目标为替代人类开发者(程序员)。这个系统可以将完全自然的、人与人的沟通转化为程序。程序综合的精髓是,通过设计,使样例(specification/program++)尽可能的人性化(比如自然语言),同时保证program++编辑成program的可行性(易于生成程序)。

We can take a Joshian point of view (gesturing wildly at humans), and let the goal of program synthesis be building a system that can subsitute for a human developer (programmer) – who turns fully naturalistic human-human interactions into working programs. The art of program synthesis is making program++/specification as humane as possible, while keeping the mapping between program++ and program tractable.

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Of course, we don’t have to be limited by human programming capabilities. We aim to build a synthesizer that can to go even further beyond!! AAaaaaaAaaAAAaaaAAAAaaAaahhHHhHHhH (okay I’ll stop).



在程序综合中,用户意图(intent) 这个词总是出现,但很少被正式定义。选择几个不同的编程场景,并尝试用你的方式定义用户意图这个概念。考虑下这样两个问题:你定义下的用户意图传达给人类同胞容易吗?你定义下的用户意图传达给机器容易吗?

In program synthesis, the word intent always shows up, and yet is rarely formally defined. Pick several different programming scenarios and attempt to formalize the notion of programmer’s intent in your own words. How easy would it be to convey this formalized intent to a fellow human? How easy would it be to convey it to a machine?

– evan 2022-08-11


up next


The next post covers how to set-up a typical synthesis problem. let’s go for it

