Evan Pu

I make programming communicative

Evan Pu | I make programming communicative

I develop program synthesis algorithms that ground human instructions as codes1, in a way a programmer would. A programmer does much more than generating Python from comments. Given an instruction (stated in language, test cases, or drawings), a human programmer can infer latent goals, generate code appropriate for the current situation, and interact to repair misunderstandings and overcome implementation difficulties.

My work studies natural programs — instructions given to a person to carry out a task on a computer (e.g. modifying a 3D scene or coding). I curate datasets of natural programs, and build program synthesis systems inspired by cognitive science that grounds them as executable code, in a way a human would. I work on neuro-symbolic methods, computational pragmatics, and grounded semantics of natural language.

my works

I build datasets, algorithms, and interactive systems.

For full list see my google scholar, I use “Yewen Pu” as name in my publications.


I believe quality research is a consequence of a good “party” – in a sense of a good team 👥, and a good time 🎉. I collaborate broadly as code generation is applicable to various disciplines. Here is my mentoring statement.


  1. Code in a general sense, as any interactions (programming, manipulating UI, acting in a simulation) with the computer.